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ამორჩეული ტერმინები: 105 გვერდი 4 (სულ: 6)
Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet
(წერტილებს შორის პროტოკოლი ეთერნეთზე Noun Full Form ძველი ტერმინი: PPP პროტოკოლი Ethernet-ის გავლით ) Noun Full Form A specification for connecting users on an Ethernet network to the დამატებით…
pointing device
(მიმთითებელი მოწყობილობა Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form An input device used to control an on-screen cursor for such actions as ""pressing"" on-screen buttons in dialog დამატებით…
pop-up window
(კონტექსტური სარკმელი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A window that appears when an option is selected. Typically, the window remains visible until the mouse button is released. =Do not დამატებით…
(პორტი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A hardware- or software-based interface used to transfer information between a computer and other devices. Hardware ports are physical connections that დამატებით…
portable computer
(პორტატული კომპიუტერი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form Any computer designed to be moved easily. =Don't use as a general term in UI or Help. Instead use ""laptop"". დამატებით…
(პორტრეტი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form An orientation where the long dimension of a rectangular area (for example, screen or paper) is vertical. =MS LIP Ex. '09
(გადაგზავნა Verb Full Form ) Verb Full Form To submit an article in a newsgroup or other online conference or forum. The term is derived from the ""posting"" of a notice დამატებით…
postal code
(საფოსტო ინდექსი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form An alphanumeric code assigned to all addresses in order to facilitate mail delivery. =MS LIP Ex. '09
(პოსტერიზება Proper Noun UI String ) Proper Noun UI String A filter effect in Windows Movie Maker. =MS LIP Ex. '09
(ელკვება Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form Strength exerted; might. =[Vista Packaging] The best edition of Windows Vista - with the power and security you need for work, and the entertainment დამატებით…
Power Options
(ელკვების პარამეტრები Proper Noun UI String ) Proper Noun UI String A Control Panel icon in Windows Vista that takes user to the Power Options dialog box where the user can manage the დამატებით…
(PPP Noun Abbreviated Form ) Noun Abbreviated Form A set of industry-standard framing and authentication protocols that are included with Windows to ensure interoperability with other remote დამატებით…
(PPPoE Noun Abbreviated Form ) Noun Abbreviated Form A specification for connecting users on an Ethernet network to the Internet through a broadband connection, such as a single DSL line, დამატებით…
(პრეცედენტი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A cell that is referred to by a formula in another cell. For example, if cell D10 contains the formula =B5, cell B5 is a precedent to cell D10. დამატებით…
Presenter View
(წარმომდგენის ხედი Noun Full Form ძველი ტერმინი: წარმომდგენის რეჟიმი ) Noun Full Form A PowerPoint view mode that allows the presenter to have more control over the slide show presentation. დამატებით…
preview pane
(გადახედვის სარკმელი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form An area of the window that displays a limited view of search results or other content. =MS LIP Ex. '09
primary key
(მთავარი გასაღები Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form One or more fields that uniquely identify each record in a table. In the same way that a license plate number identifies a car, the primary დამატებით…
print area
(დასაბეჭდი არე Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form One or more ranges of cells that you designate to print when you don't want to print the entire worksheet. If a worksheet includes a print დამატებით…
print preview
(ნახვა ამობეჭდვამდე Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A view of a document as it will appear when you print it. =MS LIP Ex. '09
(PRINT SCREEN კლავიში Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A key on IBM PC and compatible keyboards that normally causes the computer to send a character-based “picture” of the screen contents to დამატებით…
MS LIP Existing ('09) ISI Glossary
მთავარ გვერდზე ISI Glossary პორტალის შესახებათეულიუკუკავშირიავტორიზაცია გვერდის დასაწყისი
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