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ამორჩეული ტერმინები: 134 გვერდი 3 (სულ: 7)
shadow copy
(ჩრდილოვანი ასლი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A static image of a set of data, such as the records displayed as the result of a query. =When you uninstall DPM, you can choose whether to დამატებით…
(ზიარი Verb Full Form ) Verb Full Form To make a file or resource, such as a folder or printer, available to others. =[Vista Packaging] Enjoy your favorite entertainment on your PC and დამატებით…
shared folder
(ზიარი საქაღალდე Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A folder on another computer that has been made available for other people to use on the network. =MS LIP Ex. '09
(გარემო Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form The command interpreter that is used to pass commands to the operating system. =No editor for files of this type is registered with the shell. In დამატებით…
(SHIFT კლავიში Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A keyboard key that, when pressed in combination with another key, gives that key an alternative meaning, for example, producing an uppercase დამატებით…
shipping label
(მიმღების მისამართის ეტიკეტი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A label that is printed with a recipient's address and is used to mail or ship an item. =MS LIP Ex. '09
(მალსახმობი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A link to any item accessible on your computer or on a network, such as a program, file, folder, disk drive, printer, or another computer. You can დამატებით…
shortcut key
(მალსახმობის კლავიში Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form Any combination of keys that must be pressed simultaneously. =[MSTP] Do not use content for home users or information workers. Use დამატებით…
(შევიწროება Verb Full Form ) Verb Full Form To remove unused space from data tables. =MS LIP Ex. '09
(ალალბედზე Verb Full Form ) Verb Full Form To play back all of the items in a playlist once, in random order. Playback ends when all of the items in the list have been played one time. დამატებით…
Shut Down
(გამორთვა Verb UI String ) Verb UI String A menu item that provides options for restarting or turning off your computer, or for activating Stand By or Hibernate modes. =MS LIP Ex. დამატებით…
shut down
(გამორთვა Verb Full Form ) Verb Full Form To close the operating system in an orderly fashion. =[MSTP 4.6] This action shuts down Windows so that you can safely turn off the computer power. დამატებით…
(გამორთვა Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form The process of quitting all programs before closing the operating system. =[MSTP 4.6] The accidental shutdown may have corrupted some files. დამატებით…
(SID Noun Abbreviated Form ) Noun Abbreviated Form In Windows-based systems, a unique value that identifies a user, group, or computer account within an enterprise. Every account is issued a დამატებით…
sign in
(შესვლა Verb Full Form ) Verb Full Form To create a user session for an Internet account. For example, you sign in to a Windows Live ID, an Internet service provider account, or an XML Web დამატებით…
sign out
(გამოსვლა Verb Full Form ) Verb Full Form To end a user session for an Internet account. For example, you sign out of a Windows Live ID, an Internet service provider account, or an XML Web დამატებით…
(ხელმოწერა Noun Abbreviated Form ) Noun Abbreviated Form Data that binds a sender's identity to the information being sent. A digital signature may be bundled with any message, file, or დამატებით…
single click
(ერთხელ დაწკაპუნება Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form One mouse click (usually with the left mouse button). =MS LIP Ex. '09
(საიტი Noun Abbreviated Form ) Noun Abbreviated Form A group of related Web pages that is hosted by an HTTP server on the World Wide Web or an intranet. The pages in a Web site typically დამატებით…
(SLCC Noun Abbreviated Form ) Noun Abbreviated Form A service or feature of Windows that enables licensing at the feature level; thereby broadening the distribution and licensing options for დამატებით…
MS LIP Existing ('09) ISI Glossary
მთავარ გვერდზე ISI Glossary პორტალის შესახებათეულიუკუკავშირიავტორიზაცია გვერდის დასაწყისი
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