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ამორჩეული ტერმინები: 99 გვერდი 3 (სულ: 5)
(AES Noun Abbreviated Form ) Noun Abbreviated Form A cryptographic algorithm specified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to protect sensitive information. დამატებით…
(აგენტი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form An application that runs on a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) managed device. The agent application is the object of management activities. დამატებით…
(ალბომი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A collection of compositions or memorabilia of a specific type or for a particular purpose, such as audio recordings, photographs, or documents. დამატებით…
(ალგორითმი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A rule or procedure for solving a problem. =Internet Protocol security uses cryptographically-based algorithms to encrypt data. =MS LIP Ex. დამატებით…
(მეტსახელი Noun Abbreviated Form ) Noun Abbreviated Form A name used to direct e-mail messages to a person or group of people on a network. =The alias is the portion of the e-mail address დამატებით…
(გასწორება Verb Full Form ) Verb Full Form To position objects or text relative to some point, such as the page margin. =MS LIP Ex. '09
(სწორება Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form The consistent positioning of text, graphics, and other objects. =[Office Online] Horizontal alignment determines how the left and right edges of a დამატებით…
(გამოყოფა Verb Full Form ) Verb Full Form To reserve a resource, such as sufficient memory, for use by a program. =MS LIP Ex. '09
allocation unit
(განთავსების ერთეული Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form The smallest amount of disk space that can be allocated to hold a file. =MS LIP Ex. '09
(ნებართვა Proper Noun UI String ) Proper Noun UI String A permission setting that permits a person or domain to add the user to contact lists, see the user's status, or send instant დამატებით…
Allow list
(ნებადართულთა სია Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A list of users, accounts, Web sites, etc. that are permitted to perform certain actions on a network. =Only the people on your Messenger დამატებით…
(ანბანური Adjective Full Form ) Adjective Full Form Arranged in order according to the letters of the alphabet. =MS LIP Ex. '09
alternative text
(ალტერნატიული ტექსტი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form Text displayed by Web browsers during image downloads for users who have graphics turned off, and for users who rely on screen-reading დამატებით…
(ანიმაცია Verb Full Form ) Verb Full Form To add a special visual or sound effect to text or an object. For example, you can have your text bullet points fly in from the left, one word at a დამატებით…
(ანიმაცია Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A record of synthetic, successive still images that produce an illusion of movement when played back. =MS LIP Ex. '09
(ანონიმური Adjective Full Form ) Adjective Full Form Pertaining to a process or content that is not associated with an identifiable user or originator. =Any information that you share with დამატებით…
(დაგლუვება Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A software technique for smoothing the jagged appearance of curved or diagonal lines caused by poor resolution on a display screen. Methods of დამატებით…
(ჯაშუშებისგან დამცველი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A general class of software used to detect spyware and sometimes remove it. =MS LIP Ex. '09
(API Noun Abbreviated Form ) Noun Abbreviated Form A set of routines that an application uses to request and carry out lower-level services performed by a computer's operating system. დამატებით…
append query
(დამატების მოთხოვნა Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form An action query that adds the records in a query's result set to the end of an existing table. =[Office Online] You cannot undo the დამატებით…
MS LIP Existing ('09) ISI Glossary
მთავარ გვერდზე ISI Glossary პორტალის შესახებათეულიუკუკავშირიავტორიზაცია გვერდის დასაწყისი
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