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ამორჩეული ტერმინები: 111 გვერდი 2 (სულ: 6)
(გაშიფვრა Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form The process of converting encrypted content back into its original form to make it readable again. This is also called converting ciphertext back to დამატებით…
(ნაგულისხმევი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A value that is automatically used by a program when the user does not specify an alternative. Defaults are built into a program when a value or დამატებით…
default button
(ნაგულისხმევი ღილაკი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form In some dialog boxes, the command button that is selected or highlighted when the dialog box is initially displayed. The default button დამატებით…
default value
(ნაგულისხმევი მნიშვნელობა Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A value that is automatically entered in a field or control when you add a new record. You can either accept the default value or დამატებით…
(განსაზღვრებები Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form Files that are used to help detect harmful or unwanted software and to prevent it from installing or running on your computer. =MS LIP დამატებით…
(დეფრაგმენტაცია Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form The process of rewriting parts of a file to contiguous sectors on a hard disk to increase the speed of access and retrieval. =[BCM] დამატებით…
(უფლებამოსილი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form Someone granted permission to access items or perform functions on another user's behalf. =A manager is always able to be a delegate and დამატებით…
(წაშლა Verb Full Form ) Verb Full Form To eliminate text, a file, or part of a document with the intention of removing the information permanently. =[MSTP 4.6] v. Use 'delete' to დამატებით…
delete query
(წაშლის მოთხოვნა Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A query (SQL statement) that removes rows matching the criteria you specify from one or more tables. =[Office Online] After you remove დამატებით…
(გამყოფი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form One or more special characters used to separate peers in a delimited structure, at any level (fields, records, and so on). =MS LIP Ex. '09
(მიწოდება Verb Full Form ) Verb Full Form To provide or give. =[Vista Packaging] The new operating system that delivers more productivity and entertainment to your PC at home and on the go. დამატებით…
(ჩამოქვეითება Verb Full Form ) Verb Full Form To move an item to a lower level within a tree structure. =[Management Reporter] You can rearrange the organizational structure of the დამატებით…
(გამოყენება Verb Full Form ) Verb Full Form To put into use. =[Office12 Packaging] Design workflows and applications on the SharePoint platform without writing and deploying code. Code is დამატებით…
depth of field
(ველის სიღრმე Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form The measurement of the area in front of and behind the subject that is in focus. =MS LIP Ex. '09
(DES Noun Abbreviated Form ) Noun Abbreviated Form An encryption algorithm that uses a 56-bit key and maps a 64-bit input block to a 64-bit output block. The key appears to be a 64-bit key, დამატებით…
design template
(დიზაინის შაბლონი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A file that contains the styles in a presentation, including the type and size of bullets and fonts; placeholder sizes and positions; დამატებით…
Design view
(დიზაინის ხედი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A window that shows the design of these database objects - tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and data access pages. In Design view, you დამატებით…
(დიზაინერი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A visual design surface. =MS LIP Ex. '09
(სამუშაო დაფა Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form The work area on a computer screen that simulates the top of an actual desk. The desktop contains the Recycle Bin and other icons (shortcuts to დამატებით…
(მიმართულება Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form The location (drive, folder, or directory) to which a file is copied or moved. =MS LIP Ex. '09
MS LIP Existing ('09) ISI Glossary
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