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Wired Equivalent Privacy

ქართ.სასადენო დაცვის ექვივალენტი

Noun Full Form ძველი ტერმინი: WEP პროტოკოლი

Noun Full Form An encryption algorithm system included as part of the 802.11 standard, developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers as a security measure to protect wireless LANs from casual eavesdropping. WEP uses a shared secret key to encrypt packets before transmission between wireless LAN devices and monitors packets in transit to detect attempts at modification. WEP offers both 40-bit and 128-bit hardware-based encryption options.
წყარო: MS LIP Ex. '09
მთავარ გვერდზე ISI Glossary პორტალის შესახებათეულიუკუკავშირიავტორიზაცია გვერდის დასაწყისი
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