ქართ. | ამოცანათა ზოლის ღილაკი Noun Full Form |
Noun Full Form A button that represents an item or program that is open and running on your computer. For example, if you open Microsoft Word, and then minimize it, it will be displayed as a taskbar button, which you can then click when you want to maximize it.
- The controls on the taskbar are referred to as taskbar buttons. When a program creates a primary window (or a secondary window with certain characteristics), Windows adds a taskbar button for that window and removes it when that window closes. Instead of minimizing to a taskbar button, programs may instead minimize to a deskband, which allows users to access the important commands while minimized. [http://uxguide/Environment/Taskbar/Taskbar.htm]
წყარო: MS LIP Ex. '09