ქართ. | მონაცემები Noun Full Form |
Noun Full Form A representation of facts, concepts or instructions in a formalized manner, suitable for communication, interpretation or processing.
- The data shows that 95% of the users prefer a graphical interface.The data gathered so far is incomplete.These facts contradict the earlier data. [MSTP 4.6]
[MSTP 4.6] Use as either singular or plural in meaning but always with a singular verb. That is, always use ""the data is"" (or another appropriate verb) whether you mean a collection of facts (plural) or information (singular). If you want to emphasize that something is plural, rewrite to use a term such as facts or numbers. Do not use 'datum' or 'data are'. They are etymologically correct, but many readers will fail to recognize datum and will see both datum and data are as pretentious.
წყარო: MS LIP Ex. '09