ქართ. | Purble Pairs Noun Full Form ძველი ტერმინი: წყვილის შერჩევა |
Noun Full Form A part of the Purble Place game where the player has to flip a tile over to reveal a picture, and then try to find its match somewhere else.
- LCA has requested to revert all existing translations of Purble Place, Purble Pairs, Purble Shop, Comfy Cakes, Mahjong Titans and Chess Titans, and any occurrence of Purble for all languages. All of the names (Purble Place, Purble Pairs, Purble Shop, Comfy Cakes, Mahjong Titans and Chess Titans) plus any instance of Purble is being reverted to English for all languages. For Purble Master, ""Purble"" needs to remain English, ""Master"" does not.
წყარო: MS LIP Ex. '09