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ქართ.ციფრული კლავიატურა

Noun Abbreviated Form

Noun Abbreviated Form A calculator-style block of keys, usually at the right side of a keyboard, that can be used to enter numbers.
[MSTP 4.6] Always use numeric keypad for the first reference. Do not use keypad alone unless the context has been established and there's no possibility of confusion with the keyboard. If in doubt, continue to use numeric keypad.In general, avoid making distinctions between the keyboard and the numeric keypad. When the user can press two keys that look the same, be specific in directing the user to the proper key — for example, ""press the MINUS SIGN on the numeric keypad, not the HYPHEN key on the keyboard.""
წყარო: MS LIP Ex. '09
მთავარ გვერდზე ISI Glossary პორტალის შესახებათეულიუკუკავშირიავტორიზაცია გვერდის დასაწყისი
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