საძიებო ფრაზა: browsing ნაპოვნია ლექსიკონებში: 4 MS LIP Existing ('09) (4) - browsing history
- (ნახვის ისტორია Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A user’s private information such as temporary files, history, passwords, web form entries, and cookies that captures Internet surfing and…
- tabbed browsing
- (ვებგვერდების ჩანართებით დათვალიერება Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A function of some Web browsers that allows users to surf and view multiple pages by loading Web sites into sections (or…
- effective
- (ეფექტური Adjective Full Form ) Adjective Full Form Capable of producing successful results. =[Vista Packaging] Whether you're sharing photos, browsing the Internet, or simply writing…
- thumbnail
- (ესკიზი Noun Abbreviated Form ) Noun Abbreviated Form A miniature version of an image that is often used for quick browsing through multiple images. =MS LIP Ex. '09