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საძიებო ფრაზა: feed
ნაპოვნია ლექსიკონებში: 5
MS LIP Existing ('09) (5)
web feed
(ვებარხი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form Summary content with web links to a more complete version delivered in a standard XML format. The more common examples are weblogs and news web sites.…
(არხი Noun Abbreviated Form ) Noun Abbreviated Form Summary content with web links to a more complete version delivered in a standard XML format. The more common examples are weblogs and…
RSS feed
(RSS არხი Noun Full Form ძველი ტერმინი: RSS-არხი ) Noun Full Form Summary content with web links to a more complete version delivered in a standard XML format. The more common examples are…
XML feed
(XML-არხი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form Summary content with web links to a more complete version delivered in a standard XML format. The more common examples are weblogs and news web…
Feed Discovery
(არხის აღმოჩენა Noun UI String ) Noun UI String A feature of Internet Explorer in Windows Vista that finds XML feeds on a webpage. User can view the feeds and subscribe to them. =[Vista UI…

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