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    Noun Full Form

    Noun Full Form In relational database management systems, a logical table created through the specification of one or more relational operations on one or more tables. A view is equivalent to a divided relation in the relational model.
    [CRM 3.0 Mobile] The fields in a view can come from any field in the record type, and can also come from fields in related record types.
    წყარო: MS LIP Ex. '09
    (194) ხედი

    Noun Full Form

    იხილეთ ასევე: [PPS] As each model can have a different member set or view for the time dimension, such as Yearly, Quarterly, or Monthly, special care must be used to determine what view was used in the model creation prior to commencing data preparation.[BCM] In Business Contact Manager for Outlook, you can also create custom views.[Outlook] Views give you different ways to look at the same information in a folder by putting it in different arrangements and formats. There are standard views for each folder. You can also create custom views.[InfoPath] Users can switch between views to choose the amount of data shown in the form.
    წყარო: MS LIP Ex. '09
    (194) ხედი

    Verb Full Form

    იხილეთ ასევე: To view Address Book contacts, click the Contacts tab.[Works]; View contact card [CWA]
    წყარო: MS LIP Ex. '09
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