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ამორჩეული ტერმინები: 54 გვერდი 2 (სულ: 3)
(კოდირება Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form The process of turning data into a stream of bits. Encoding is part of the serialization process that converts data into a stream of ones and zeros. დამატებით…
(დაშიფვრა Verb Full Form ) Verb Full Form To programmatically disguise content to hide its substance. =MS LIP Ex. '09
(დაშიფვრა Noun Abbreviated Form ) Noun Abbreviated Form The process of converting readable data (plaintext) into a coded form (ciphertext) to prevent it from being read by an unauthorized დამატებით…
(დასასრული Verb Full Form ) Verb Full Form To stop communications or a network connection. =[MSTP 4.6] To end your server connection, on the Tools menu, click Disconnect Network Drive. დამატებით…
end user
(საბოლოო მომხმარებელი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form The ultimate user of a computer or computer application in its finished, marketable form. =[OPK] The end user is the person who დამატებით…
(გაუმჯობესებული Adjective Full Form ) Adjective Full Form Possessing improved, advanced, or more sophisticated features. =MS LIP Ex. '09
enhanced audio CD
(გაუმჯობესებული აუდიო CD Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form An audio CD that contains both audio and other multimedia content. =MS LIP Ex. '09
enhanced DVD movie
(გაუმჯობესებული DVD ფილმი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A DVD from which the video section can be played on the DVD set top box. When inserted in the PC, the user can access additional დამატებით…
(მსხვილი ორგანიზაცია Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form An organization with more than 1000 employees and more than 500 personal computers. =MS LIP Ex. '09
(გართობა Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form Amusment, pleasure, or diversion. =[Vista Packaging] The best edition of Windows Vista — with the power and security you need for work, and the დამატებით…
(შენატანი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form The process of inputting information. =MS LIP Ex. '09
(კონვერტი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form Header and footer information, or header information only, which encapsulates or precedes document data for transport. =MS LIP Ex. '09
(შეცდომა Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A value or condition that is not consistent with the true, specified, or expected value or condition. =MS LIP Ex. '09
error code
(შეცდომის კოდი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form One of four fields of an SCODE. It is a unique number that is assigned to represent the error or warning. =MS LIP Ex. '09 ◊ დამატებით…
error log
(შეცდომის ჟურნალი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A file that lists errors that were encountered during an operation. =MS LIP Ex. '09
ESC key
(ESC კლავიში Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A keyboard key that sends the escape (ESC) character to the computer. Often this key moves the user back one level in the menu structure or exits დამატებით…
(Ethernet Proper Noun Full Form ) Proper Noun Full Form A networking standard that uses cables to provide network access. Ethernet is the most widely installed technology for connecting დამატებით…
(მოვლენა Noun Abbreviated Form ) Noun Abbreviated Form An action or occurrence to which a program might respond. Examples include state changes, data transfers, key presses, and mouse დამატებით…
event handler
(მოვლენის დამმუშავებელი Noun Full Form ) Noun Full Form A software routine that executes in response to an event. =[Office Online] To create an event handler in InfoPath, you must associate დამატებით…
(ექსკლუზიური Adjective Full Form ) Adjective Full Form Pertaining to a type of access to data in a database that is shared over a network. When you open a database in exclusive mode, you დამატებით…
MS LIP Existing ('09) ISI Glossary
მთავარ გვერდზე ISI Glossary პორტალის შესახებათეულიუკუკავშირიავტორიზაცია გვერდის დასაწყისი
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